John Nelson: Without Constraints

Nelson's work is very postmodern, mixing minimalism with portraiture without constraints to traditional formats. Most of his paintings are acrylic on linen with several layers of thinned out paint and layered images; many times using several panels to create one piece. His paintings explore issues of style, perception, and narrative. Nelson explains, "I am usually interested in comparing 'this to that'. The impulse is to always have one thing with another - an attempt to have a minimalist composition coexist with subject matter." What comes together is a compelling and mysterious bridge between human form and geometric landscapes.

Dates:November 03, 2015 10:00 am to December 19, 2015 05:00 pm
Address:64 Public Square, Monmouth, Illinois 61462, United States
Contact:Buchanan Center for the Arts

64 Public Square, Monmouth, Illinois 61462, United States


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