Inspired Work: Janet Schwartz

Janet Schwartz’s pastels, oil paintings, and charcoal drawings capture the complex visual landscapes of office life and long commutes. 

Open to magic in all places, she finds beauty in the stark angularity and patterns of light on building façades, rendering the shadows of conference rooms, office cubicles, and gray corridors with a particular eye to the elongated late afternoon light.  These images are juxtaposed alongside breathtaking views of brilliant skies from an office window or the hazy outline of traffic on a rainy morning commute.

Dates:August 07, 2015 12:00 pm to January 22, 2016 04:00 pm
Address:660 Main Street, Worcester, Massachusetts 01610, United States
Contact:ArtsWorcester’s Aurora Gallery

660 Main Street, Worcester, Massachusetts 01610, United States


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