July 9, 2016 – June 4, 2017 - In this exhibition, he juxtaposes two monumental porcelain sculptures, which he terms stupas, with export wares from China’s Kangxi period. Those blue-and-white ceramics are similar to those that once filled the shelves of Whistler’s Peacock Room in London. These historical porcelains also inspired McConnell to create a new work based on 3D-printed replicas. His interest in replication and in the serialized mass production of ceramic forms began after he visited China more than a decade ago. The large kilns and busy factories at Jingdezhen prompted McConnell to look at China as an enduring resource for ceramic production.
Dates:July 09, 2016 10:00 am to June 04, 2017 05:00 pm
Address:1050 Independence Ave SW , Washington, District Of Columbia 20013, United States
Phone: 202.633.4880
Contact:Arthur M. Sackler Gallery