Tala Madani: First Light

May 20 - July 17, 2016 -  In this exhibition, these bracingly deadpan works satirize conventional notions of masculinity, recasting the male figure in various scenarios that both mock virility and redistribute the dynamics of power. Bright pastel color fields form the ground for base group scenes in which balding, rotund, and mustachioed middle-aged men blindly follow each other in circles, undergo interrogation, and perform various humiliating acts. Unflinchingly scatological and abject, Madani’s works encourage a larger consideration of authority, desire, and shame.

Dates:May 20, 2016 12:00 pm to July 17, 2016 06:00 pm
Address: 20 Ames Street, Bldg. E15 Atrium level , Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, United States
Phone:[617] 253-4680
Contact:MIT List Visual Arts Center