Donley's Wild West Town Museum has a collection of cowboy memorabilia including genuine articles such as wooly chaps, gun belts, guns, spurs lariats, and boots.
Yundle Directory: United States
Wisconsin Veterans Museum

The Wisconsin Veterans Museum is an educational activity of the Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs to commemorate, acknowledge, and affirm the role of Wisconsin citizens in American military history.
Central California Bead Society

The purpose of the Central California Bead Society is to perpetuate the art of beadwork through education, the exchange of ideas and the sharing of experiences while promoting and stimulating this historical art form.
Badger Knife Club, Inc.

The mission of the Badger Knife Club is to encourage all aspects in the collecting and making of knives.
Metropolitan Museum of Art

The Met is a universal museum: every category of art in every known medium from every part of the world during the epoch of recorded time is represented here and thus available for contemplation or study.
J.M. Davis Arms and Historical Museum

Our mission is to preserve the J.M. Davis collection for the education and enjoyment of the general public for many generations to come.
Pony Express National Museum

The Pony Express Museum is a transport museum in Saint Joseph, Missouri, documenting the history of the Pony Express, the first fast mail line across the North American continent from the Missouri River to the Pacific coast.
Saint Joseph, Missouri 64503
United States
Austin Bead Society

The objectives of the Society are to promote education and research regarding beads and bead-related subjects, and to provide support to bead collectors, designers, and enthusiasts.
North Star Blade Collectors

We are a diverse group of people that have come together based on a common factor -- an interest in various forms of knives and cutlery.
The Phillips Collection

The Phillips Collection is an exceptional collection of modern and contemporary art in a dynamic environment for collaboration, innovation, engagement with the world, scholarship, and new forms of public participation.