The Blue & White Pottery Club was founded in 1981 by a modest number of ardent Blue & White Stoneware pottery enthusiasts and collectors, principally in the Midwest.
Yundle Directory: United States
Transferware Collector's Club

TCC welcomes everyone who shares our love for the beauty and technical proficiency of British transferware including Blue and White, Staffordshire Pottery, Pearlware, Romantic and more...
Tea Leaf Club International

The Tea Leaf Club is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the study and collection of
Majolica International Society

The Majolica International Society, founded in 1989 with just 45 members, has enjoyed membership of more than a 1,000 enthusiastic individual collectors, dealers, authors and historians from across the globe.
Friends of Terra Cotta

Recognizing the complexities of preserving architectural terra cotta, The Friends of Terra Cotta, Inc. provides information and expert resources to assist the process.
International Willow Collectors

International Willow Collectors (IWC) is a group of people who collect willow-pattern china and other willow wares.
Wisconsin Pottery Association

The Wisconsin Pottery Association (WPA) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization under federal regulations. Its mission generally is to promote knowledge and appreciation of art pottery among its members and the general public.
Southern Folk Pottery Collectors Society

In 1988, the Southern Folk Pottery Collectors Society
Bennett, North Carolina 27208
United States
Red Wing Collectors Society, Inc.

The Red Wing Collectors Society was founded in 1977 in Red Wing, Minn. and is devoted to providing education about all American pottery. There are more than 4,500 members worldwide.