The North Dakota Pottery Collectors Society is an organization, which was created to enhance collecting interest in the types of pottery made in North Dakota.
Yundle Directory: United States
National Autumn Leaf Collectors Club

Nancy Brock and Norma Jones co-founded the National Autumn Leaf Collectors Club (NALCC) in the fall of 1978.
Homer Laughlin China Collectors Association

HLCCA is dedicated to providing a serious educational forum and communication tool for all those who are interested in the important contribution that HLC has made to American culture, from 1873 to the present.
Pickard Collectors Club

The purpose of the Pickard Collectors' Club is to research, educate, communicate and preserve the history and artifacts of the art movement represented by Pickard and other American porcelain studios and artists.
Watt Collectors Association

The only national non-profit organization dedicated solely to the identification and preservation of Watt Pottery.
Intermuseum Conservation Association

The organization was founded in 1952 by the directors of six major Midwestern museums to provide professional, high quality, and cost effective art conservation services.
Cleveland, Ohio 44113
United States
Stained Glass Association of America

The Stained Glass Association of America is a professional trade association whose membership consists of the finest architectural stained and decorative art glass artists and studios in the United States and around the world.
National Insulator Association

The National Insulator Association, is an international organization of collectors and friends interested in communication and electrical insulators.
Association for the Study of Jewelry and Related Arts

The Association for the Study of Jewelry and Related Arts, LLC is an organization dedicated to the advancement of jewelry studies in schools, museums, and institutions of higher learning.
Port Chester, New York 10573
United States
Association of Coffee Mill Enthusiasts

ACME was established in 1994 for the purpose of preserving the history and to encourage the collecting of domestic and international antique coffee mills.