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Yundle Directory: Indiana, United States
National Council on Public History

The National Council on Public History (NCPH) is a membership association dedicated to making the past useful in the present and to encouraging collaboration between historians and their public.
Indianapolis, Indiana 46202
United States
Tea Leaf Club International

The Tea Leaf Club is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the study and collection of
Theatre Museum of Repertoire Americana

The museum is dedicated to the preservation of memorabilia and artifacts of early repertoire theatre.
Dr. Ted's Musical Marvels

This museum's collections include: restored mechanical musical instruments.
James Dean Memorial Gallery

This extensive exhibit is the private collection of James Dean archivist David Loehr, who began collecting in 1974.
Fulton County Historical Society Museum

Experience frontier and pioneer life before 1840! Participate as a re-enactor, trader, etc.!
Johnson County Museum of History

The Johnson County Museum of History houses over 10,000 objects relating to the region's past and present and more than 10,000 photographs and documents.
Franklin, Indiana 46131
United States