Yundle Directory: Performing Art
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Diamond level member
1211 Connecticut Avenue
Washington, District Of Columbia 20036
United States
Washington, District Of Columbia 20036
United States
Theatre Museum of Repertoire Americana
in Museums / Antiques | Museums / History | Museums / Western Culture | Specialties: Performing Art, Repertoire

The museum is dedicated to the preservation of memorabilia and artifacts of early repertoire theatre.
Diamond level member
The Sembrich
in Museums / Music | Museums / Other Museums | Museums / Biographical | Specialties: Performing Art, Marcella Sembrich

Our mission is to preserve and protect the museum collection, historical significance, and legacy of Marcella Sembrich.
Diamond level member
4800 Lake Shore Drive
Bolton Landing, New York 12814
United States
Bolton Landing, New York 12814
United States
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