Formed in 1974, the National Corvette Restorers Society is a non-profit hobby group of 15,800+ families dedicated to the restoration, preservation, history and enjoyment of Corvettes made from the model years 1953 through 1996.
Yundle Directory: Ohio, United States
Cincinnati, Ohio 45252-1334
United States
National Afro-American Museum and Culture Center
The National Afro-American Museum and Cultural Center educates the public about African American history and culture by collecting, preserving and interpreting material evidence of the black experience.
Toaster Collectors Association
The Toaster Collectors Association was organized in 1999. We are a membership association of people who collect, research, document, conserve and restore electric and nonelectric toast-making devices.
Pro Football Hall of Fame
Today, the Hall of Fame stands as a shining tribute to the men who have made professional football America
Seneca County Museum
Walk through the door of Tiffin's first millionaire's home, which was built in 1853 and now houses the Seneca County Museum, and experience life as it was then.
Circus Historical Society
Our Mission is to preserve, promote and share through education, the history & cultural significance of the circus and the allied arts, past and present!
Crown Victoria Association
The Crown Victoria Association was formed in 1977 to promote the preservation, restoration, and enjoyment of all 1954-1955-1956 Ford Automobiles, Canadian Meteors, Mercury Automobiles, and Ford & Mercury trucks.
Merry-Go-Round Museum
The Merry-Go-Round Museum display artifacts that add to the public
Museum of Ceramics at East Liverpool
The exhibits in the Museum depict the growth and development of East Liverpool and its ceramic industry from 1840 to 1930, the period during which the city's potteries produced over fifty percent of America's entire ceramics output.
East Liverpool, Ohio 43920
United States
International Thunderbird Club
The club was formed as a universal Thunderbird Club open to the wide spectrum of ALL Thunderbirds produced from1955 to Present from Stock to Modified, Daily Drivers to Show Cars!