The purpose of the club shall be to encourage the building and operating of model railroad layouts for members use and for exhibition. A secondary purpose shall be to encourage friendship and to promote the hobby of model railroading.
Yundle Directory: Associations & Clubs
Lake Shore Model Railroad Association

The Lake Shore Model Railroad Association is the result of a half dozen newly discharged GI's meeting in the rear of a hobby shop on East 79th Street in Chicago.
Midwest N Pioneer Model Railroad Club

From its inception in 1989 to the start at its new location in 2006, Midwest N Pioneer has strived to produce wonderful layouts for its members to use and for the public to view.
Mississippi Valley N Scalers

The Mississippi Valley N Scalers model railroad club was founded in April of 1990. It is the oldest exclusive N scale club in the St. Louis Metro area.
Prairie Scale Model Railroaders

What makes us different from most model railroad clubs is that while we have varied interests and skill-sets, we're primarily interested in prototype modeling and prototypical operations.
Will County Model Railroad Association

Founded in 1979 as the Romeoville Model Railroad Assoc, we've been around for 30+ years. We are focused on HO-scale model railroading and are actively building a modular in-club layout based on Free-mo for easy expansion and changes.
The Columbus Area Railroad Club

The Columbus Area Railroad Club is dedicated to sharing interests in railroading; history, modeling, photography, artifacts, and railfanning.
Indiana Live Steamers

Indiana Live Steamers is a club dedicated to the preservation, construction, and operation of model steam and railroad equipment.