We are a group of G Scale model railroaders located in and around Harford County, Maryland. We usually meet every month at a library or a member's home.
Yundle Directory: Associations & Clubs
Amherst Railway Society Inc.

The Amherst Railway Society is a non-profit organization, tax exempt 501(c)(3) corporation, which has about 450 members who share some aspect of railroading as a common interest.
North Shore Model Railroad Club

The NSMRC is an HO and HOn3 model RR club located in Wakefield, Massachusetts, USA.
The Pepperell Siding Model Railroad Club, Inc.

The Pepperell Siding Model Railroad Club, Inc., is an HO scale model railroad club located in Pepperell, Massachusetts.
South Shore Model Railway Club

Founded in 1938, the South Shore Model Railroad Club is an HO scale club, conforming to National Model Railway Association Standards.
The Tech Model Railroad Club of MIT (TMRC)

he Tech Model Railroad club is an MIT student activity founded during the 1946-1947 school year, making this our 60th year, and making TMRC one of the oldest clubs at MIT.
Worcester Model Railroaders

We are one of the oldest continuously operating clubs in the country, and are always looking for both new and experienced modelers to carry on that tradition.
The Ann Arbor Model Railroad Club

The Ann Arbor Model Railroad Club (AAMRC) is one of the oldest, continuing operating model railroad clubs in the United States.
Battle Creek Model Railroad Club

The Battle Creek Model Railroad Club was originally organized in 1949. It was active in varying degrees until 1965 when it went inactive. In the winter of 1973-74, the group was reactivated and has been involved in various railroad projects since then.
Blissfield Model Railroad Club

The BMRC is a group of model railroaders from all over the southeast Michigan and Northwest Ohio area who are actively working on building and operating a large HO scale model railroad.