The Providence Northern is a nonprofit organization consisting of amateurs and hobbyists. It's mission is to promote the hobby of Model Railroading through education and the establishment and operation of a world-class model railroad in HO scale.
Yundle Directory: Associations & Clubs
Piedmont 'N' Southern Model Railroad Club

The purpose of the Piedmont 'N Southern Model Railroad Club is to promote the hobby of model railroading through creation of an operating modular N-scale model railroad layout built to Ntrak and/or Bend Track standards.
Chattanooga Modular Modelers

Our mission is to promote modular railroading through education, practical exercises and fellowship.
Nashville Ntrack

Our members come from a variety of backgrounds, interests, careers and places, but one common interest to all of us is N Scale trains.
The Abilene Society of Model Railroaders

The Abilene Society of Model Railroaders (ASMR) was established to promote public awareness and appreciation of Abilene's Railroad heritage, and the important role played by railroads in national and local history.
All Points North Model Railroad Club

We are one of only a handful of model railroad clubs in the United States that owns both the land and a building solely dedicated to model railroading.
Austin Steam Train Association

The mission of the Austin Steam Train Association is to preserve, interpret and re-create the first-hand experience of historic steam-era railroading for the enjoyment and edification of today’s families and the generations to come.
The Corpus Christi Model Railroad Club

Located in Corpus Christi, Texas, we are a free-lance HO scale model railroad club. The name of our fictional railroad is the Port City Southern, and it represents various parts of the Southern US circa the 60's and 70's.
East Texas Model Railroad Club (ETMRC)

The East Texas Model Railroad Club, Inc. (ETMRC) is a not–for–profit Texas Corporation established for the association of model railroad hobbyists and committed to the history of railroads in the steam to diesel transition era.