We are a not for profit club bringing together modelers of all scales interested in expanding their knowledge and modeling abilities.
Yundle Directory: Associations & Clubs
The Houston Area "G" Gaugers

The Houston Area "G" Gaugers is a model railroad club whose members build and operate electric, battery, and live-steam powered trains indoors and in outdoor settings.
Houston N'Crowd

The Houston N'Crowd, formed in 1978 to promote a then-new modular model railroading concept, was the first NTrak group to organize in southeast Texas.
Houston Area Live Steamers

The Houston Area Live Steamers is devoted to live steam modeling: from locomotives, to stationary engines, to tractors and boats, with a particular emphasis on model trains large enough to ride.
Houston Tinplate Operators' Society (HTOS)

The Houston Tinplate Operators Society (HTOS), is an organization of O gauge train modelers whose principal interests range from true tinplate (pre & postwar) to near-scale 3-rail operation.
North Texas Garden Railroad Club

The North Texas Garden Railroad Club is a collection of enthusiastic individuals and their families who meet monthly for fellowship, garden railroad talk and a chance to play with (operate) their trains.
Northwest Crossing Operating Model Railroad Club

Northwest Crossing Operating Model Railroad Club began in Houston, TX in 1982 by a group of individuals that had a common goal. That goal was to promote Model Railroading and long-lasting friendships.
San Antonio N-Trak Association (SANTRAK)

SANTRAK is a somewhat informal club. We try to work toward a family orientated hobby that will include at least one adult and any children within that family that may have an interest in the hobby of model railroading.
San Jacinto Model Railroad Club

The San Jacinto Model Railroad Club is the oldest existing model railroad club in the Houston area. Established in the late 1950’s the club originally met in members homes with a monthly dues of 25 cents, payable at the door.