Definitions and Terms - Antiques, Art and More - "S" List
Free Definitions and Terms
Below are the antique and art terms beginning with the Letter "S"
- S.G.K.
- Sabino
- Sable
- Saccade
- Sacra Conversazione
- Sacral Idyllic Scene
- Salon
- Salon D Apollon
- Salon D Automne
- Salon Des Ind
- Salon Des Refus
- Salopian
- Salt And Pepper Shakers
- Salt Glaze
- Samplers
- Samsara
- Samson
- Sancai
- Sanctuary
- Sand
- Sand Babies
- Sand Casting
- Sandstone
- Sandwich Glass
- Sang De Boeuf
- Sanguine
- Sans Serif
- Santero
- Santo
- Saponify
- Sapwood
- Sarcophagus
- Sarreguemines
- Sascha Brastoff
- Satin
- Satin Glass
- Satinato
- Satire
- Satsuma
- Saturation
- Saturday Evening Girls
- Satyr
- Saxony
- Scagliola
- Scale
- Scales
- Scaling Up
- Scanner
- Scanning
- Scarab
- Scarification
- Schafer And Vater
- Schematic Stage
- Schiller
- Schist
- Schmid
- Schneider
- School
- Schumann
- Science Fiction
- Scientific Instruments
- Sclera
- Sconce
- Scoring
- Scottish Art
- Scraper
- Screen
- Screen Print
- Screenprint
- Screens
- Screenshot
- Scribble
- Scribble Stage
- Scribe
- Scrim
- Scrimshaw
- Scripophily
- Scriptorium
- Scroll
- Sculptor
- Sculpture
- Sculpture Garden
- Sculptures
- Scumble
- Seal
- Sealed Bid Auction
- Seascape
- Seasoning
- Sebastian Miniatures
- Secondary Colors
- Secretary
- Section
- Secular Humanism
- Seicento
- Self Portrait
- Semi Matt
- Seminal
- Semiotics
- Sengoku Jidai
- Senses
- Sensitivity
- Sensorium
- Sensory
- Sensuality
- Separator
- Sepia
- Sequence
- Sequencing
- Serdab
- Sericel
- Serif
- Serigraphy
- Serpentine
- Servers
- Serving Trolley
- Settees
- Severe Style
- Sevres
- Sewer Tile
- Sewing
- Sfumato
- Sgraffiato
- Sgraffito
- Shabtis
- Shade
- Shading
- Shadow
- Shaft
- Shaft Grave
- Shagreen
- Shaker
- Shakudo
- Shaman
- Shamanism
- Shang
- Shank
- Shantung
- Shape
- Shard
- Shaving Mugs
- Shawabtis
- Shawnee Pottery
- Shearwater
- Sheen
- Sheet Metal
- Sheet Music
- Sheffield
- Sheffield Plating
- Shellac
- Shelley
- Shelves
- Sherd
- Shibuichi
- Shim
- Shin
- Shinto
- Ships
- Shirley Temple
- Shiva
- Shoji
- Shriner
- Shuji
- Sideboards
- Sienna
- Sign
- Signage
- Signed Edition
- Sikhara
- Silent Auction
- Silesia
- Silhouette
- Silica
- Silicon
- Silicone Rubber
- Silkscreen
- Siltstone
- Silver
- Silver American
- Silver Arabian
- Silver Argentinean
- Silver Asian
- Silver Austrian
- Silver Austro Hungarian
- Silver Baltic
- Silver Belgian
- Silver Bolivian
- Silver Brazilian
- Silver Cambodian
- Silver Canadian
- Silver Chinese
- Silver Continental
- Silver Czechoslovakian
- Silver Danish
- Silver Deposit
- Silver Dutch
- Silver Ecuadorian
- Silver Egyptian
- Silver English
- Silver Finnish
- Silver Flatware Plated
- Silver Flatware Sterling
- Silver French
- Silver German
- Silver Greek
- Silver Guatemalan
- Silver Hungarian
- Silver Indian
- Silver Iraqi
- Silver Irish
- Silver Islamic
- Silver Italian
- Silver Jamaican
- Silver Japanese
- Silver Latvian
- Silver Leaf
- Silver Mexican
- Silver Middle Eastern
- Silver Mongolian
- Silver Norway
- Silver Norwegian
- Silver Peruvian
- Silver Plate
- Silver Plating
- Silver Polish
- Silver Portuguese
- Silver Romanian
- Silver Russian
- Silver Scandinavian
- Silver Scottish
- Silver Siam
- Silver Spanish
- Silver Springs
- Silver Sterling
- Silver Swedish
- Silver Swiss
- Silver Syrian
- Silver Thai
- Silver Tibetan
- Silver Turkish
- Silver Viennese
- Silver-Colombian
- Silver-Oriental
- Silver-Persian
- Silver-Siamese
- Silver-South American
- Silverplate
- Silverpoint
- Simile
- Simplicity
- Simulacrum
- Simulant
- Sinclaire
- Singerie
- Sinking
- Sinopia
- Sistrum
- Site
- Site Specific
- Sitzendorf
- Siva
- Six Dynasties
- Size
- Sizing
- Sketch
- Skiing
- Slab Construction
- Slag Glass
- Slate
- Sleepy Eye
- Slide
- Slide Scanner
- Slip
- Slip Casting
- Slipstone
- Slipware
- Slot Machine
- Slurry
- Slush Casting
- Smalt
- Smalto
- Smith Brothers
- Smock
- Snood
- Snow Babies
- Snuff Bottle
- Snuff Bottles
- Snuffboxes
- Soapstone
- Social Realism
- Socialist Realism
- Socle
- Sofas
- Soffit
- Soft Focus
- Soft Paste
- Softwoods
- Solander Box
- Soldered
- Soldering
- Soluble
- Solute
- Solve
- Solvent
- Souvenirs
- Spandrel
- Spangle Glass
- Spanish Art
- Spanish Lace
- Spanner
- Spatial Qualities
- Spatter Glass
- Spatterware
- Spectrum
- Spelter
- Sphere
- Spheroid
- Sphinx
- Spine
- Spinning Wheels
- Spiral
- Splay
- Splayed Opening
- Split Complements
- Spode
- Spokeshave
- Spongeware
- Spontaneity
- Sports
- Springing
- Sprue
- Square
- Square Schematization
- Squinch
- St. Cloud
- St. Lambert
- Stabile
- Staffordshire
- Stages Of Artistic Development
- Stained Glass
- Stains
- Stamp
- Standards
- Stands
- Stangl
- Star Trek
- Star Wars
- State
- Stationery
- Statue
- Statues
- Stave
- Stearin
- Steatite
- Steel
- Stein Guss
- Steins
- Stela
- Stele
- Stencil
- Stenographs
- Stereo Cards
- Stereometry
- Stereoscopes
- Stereoscopic Vision
- Sterling
- Sterling Silver
- Steuben
- Stevengraphs
- Stevens And Williams
- Stiegel Type
- Stiletto
- Still Life
- Stimulus
- Stipple
- Stockton
- Stone
- Stone Age
- Stoneware
- Stools
- Storage
- Store
- Storerooms
- Storyboard
- Stoves
- Stretch Glass
- Structuralism
- Structure
- Stucco
- Studio
- Study
- Stupa
- Style
- Stylization
- Stylobate
- Stylus
- Styrofoam
- Subdue
- Subject
- Subjectivity
- Sublime
- Subliminal Message
- Subsampling
- Subtractive
- Success
- Suffuse
- Sugar Chest
- Sui
- Suiseki
- Suki
- Sulphides
- Sumida
- Sumie
- Sunbonnet Babies
- Sunderland
- Sung
- Superficial
- Superman
- Superrealism
- Suppedaneum
- Support
- Surface
- Surform
- Surimono
- Surrealism
- Surrogate Image
- Susie Cooper
- Suyari
- Swankyswigs
- Swastika Keramos
- Swatch
- Swiss Art
- Swords
- Sybaritic
- Syllogism
- Symbol
- Symbolism
- Symmetry
- Synchromism
- Syncretism
- Synergy
- Synesthesia
- Synoptic
- Syntax
- Synthesis
- Synthetic
- Synthetic Cubism
- Syracuse