Definitions and Terms - Antiques, Art and More - "P" List
Free Definitions and Terms
Below are the antique and art terms beginning with the Letter "P"
- Paddle
- Paden City
- Pagoda
- Pain
- Paint
- Paint By Number
- Painted Rug
- Painterly
- Painting
- Paintings
- Pairpoint
- Paisley
- Palace Vase
- Pale Colors
- Paleolithic
- Palestra
- Palette
- Palette Knife
- Palimpsest
- Palladian
- Palladium
- Pallet
- Palme Konig
- Palmer Cox Brownies
- Palmette
- Panache
- Panel
- Panorama
- Pantheon
- Pantone Matching System
- Paper
- Paper Dolls
- Paper Mach
- Papermaking
- Paperweight
- Paperweights
- Papier Coll
- Papier Mache
- Papier Mache'
- Papier-M
- Papyrus
- Parabola
- Paradichlorobenzene
- Paradigm
- Paradigm Shift
- Paraffin
- Parallel
- Parallelepiped
- Parallelogram
- Parameter
- Paraph
- Parasol
- Parchment
- Parergon
- Parget
- Parian
- Paris
- Parlor Set
- Parody
- Parquetry
- Parsemage
- Parting Agent
- Parure
- Passage
- Passage Grave
- Passe Partout
- Paste
- Pastel
- Pastiche
- Pastiglia
- Pastoral
- Pastose
- Pate
- Pate De Verre
- Pate Sur Pate
- Patent Models
- Patina
- Patriarchy
- Patron
- Patronage
- Pattern
- Pattern Recognition
- Paul Revere Pottery
- Peachblow
- Peanuts
- Pearl
- Pearlware
- Pectoral
- Pedagogy
- Pedestal
- Pedestals
- Pediment
- Peking Glass
- Pelike
- Pellicle
- Peloton
- Pen
- Pen And Pencil Set
- Pencil
- Pencil Sharpener
- Pencils
- Pendant
- Pendentive
- Pennsbury
- Pens
- Pentagon
- Pentimento
- Penumbra
- Pepsi Cola
- Percept
- Perception
- Perfection
- Performance Art
- Perfume
- Perfume Bottles
- Pergola
- Perimeter
- Period
- Periodicity
- Peripheral Vision
- Periphrastic
- Peripteral
- Peristyle
- Permanent Collection
- Permanent Pigment
- Persistence Of Vision
- Personification
- Perspective
- Perspicacity
- Perspicuity
- Peters And Reed
- Petroglyph
- Petrus Regout
- Pewabic Pottery
- Pewter
- Phantom Bid
- Phenomenology
- Phenomenon
- Philately
- Philluminist
- Phoenix Bird
- Phoenix Glass
- Phonograph Needle Cases
- Phonographs
- Phosphene
- Photo
- Photo Realism
- Photo Secession
- Photocd
- Photocopy
- Photogene
- Photogram
- Photographic
- Photography
- Photogravure
- Photomechanical Graphic
- Photomontage
- Photon
- Photoreceptors
- Photoscreen
- Photoshop
- Piano Baby
- Pica
- Pick
- Pickard
- Picker
- Pickle
- Pickle Castors
- Picnic Basket
- Pictogram
- Pictograph
- Picture
- Picture Frame
- Picture Plane
- Pictures
- Picturesque
- Piebald
- Piece
- Piece Mold
- Pied De Biche
- Pier
- Pierce
- Piet
- Pigeon Forge
- Pigment
- Pigment Printing
- Pilaster
- Pilkington
- Pillar
- Pillin Pottery
- Pilotis
- Pinching
- Pincushion Dolls
- Pinhole Camera
- Pink Slag
- Pinnacle
- Pint
- Pipes
- Pirkenhammer
- Pisgah Forest
- Pitch
- Pitcher
- Pitchers
- Pitching Hammer
- Pithos
- Pixel
- Placement
- Plagiarism
- Plain Bracket Foot
- Plan
- Plane
- Planish
- Planographic Print
- Planography
- Planters
- Planters Peanuts
- Plaque
- Plaster
- Plaster Trap
- Plastic
- Plastic Arts
- Plasticine
- Plasticity
- Plate
- Plated Amberina
- Plates
- Platinum
- Platinum Print
- Platters
- Pleat
- Plein Air
- Plexiglas
- Plinth
- Plique A Jour
- Plop Art
- Plumbago
- Pluralism
- Pochoir
- Point
- Point Of View
- Pointers
- Pointillism
- Pointing
- Poison
- Polarizing
- Polish
- Political
- Polychrome
- Polyester Resins
- Polygon
- Polyhedron
- Polymer
- Polyptych
- Polysemy
- Polystyrene
- Polyvinyl Acetate
- Polyvinyl Alcohol
- Polyvinyl Chloride
- Pomona
- Pontil
- Pontypool
- Poole Pottery
- Pooling
- Pop Art
- Popeye
- Porcelain
- Porcelain Contemporary
- Porcelain Midcentury
- Porphyry
- Porringer
- Portal
- Portfolio
- Portico
- Portland Cement
- Portrait
- Positive Space
- Post And Lintel
- Post Impressionism
- Post Minimalism
- Postcards
- Poster
- Posteriori
- Posters
- Postmodernism
- Potboiler
- Potlids
- Potsherd
- Potters Wheel
- Pottery
- Pottery Art
- Pottery Contemporary
- Pottery Midcentury
- Potty
- Pound
- Poup
- Pour
- Poussinisme
- Powder Flasks
- Powder Horn
- Pr
- Practise
- Practitioner
- Prairie Style
- Pratt
- Praxis
- Pre Columbian
- Precisionism
- Precursor
- Predella
- Prehistoric
- Premise
- Preschematic Stage
- Press Molding
- Pressed Glass
- Pretentious
- Pretty
- Preview
- Primary Colors
- Primer
- Primitive
- Princess Line
- Principles Of Design
- Printing Date
- Prints
- Prints And Printmaking
- Priori
- Prism
- Prismatoid
- Profile
- Projection
- Projection Principle
- Pronaos
- Propaganda
- Propylaeum
- Proscenium
- Prosopopeia
- Prostyle
- Protanomaly
- Protanopia
- Prototype
- Provenance
- Prussia
- Prussian Blue
- Psalter
- Pseudorealistic Stage
- Psyker
- Public Art
- Puce
- Puddling
- Pug
- Pug Mill
- Pull
- Pulpitum
- Pumice
- Punch
- Punctate
- Punty
- Pupil
- Puppetry
- Purinton Pottery Company
- Purple
- Purpure
- Purses
- Putto
- Pygmalion
- Pylon
- Pyramid
- Pyrometer
- Pyrometric Cones
- Pyrotechnics
- Pyroxilin
- Pyx
- Pyxis